Why Do you need Mobile App for your e-Commerce business?

Mobile is the present and it's going to be the future. For many potential customers, mobile is the primary touch point. In-fact leading E-Commerce companies are expecting more than 50% of purchases to happen via mobile in near future, and mobile growth is outdoing desktop growth at a much greater pace. These companies have better control on user experience & behavior via a mobile app, instead of mobile site/browser. Hence, push towards app download!

The levers that make mobile shopping crucial for E-Commerce companies are manifold

(a) Cost of customer acquisition is currently lower on mobile
(b) It increases customer loyalty & stickiness
(c) Showrooming is gaining lot of traction
(d) App is the only medium through which retailer can have a strong direct interaction with the customer (via notifications, etc.)
(e) The next generation/tier of e-shoppers are mobile first.
Many e-commerce web portal players are investing a lot in google ads and other ads platform to reach the customer and they certainly want to reduce that. This is one of the reasons they are promoting their apps. With the use of a mobile application, they can send direct notifications to the users (who have downloaded apps) that get attention from users and generates a good chance to get potential leads.

In summary following are some KPIs that can be offered via a Mobile application for E-Commerce stores.

•    Apps are preferred by users: It's easy and convenient for users to just open the app installed on their phone’s home screen rather than opening a browser and visiting the website
•    Increase user base: By promoting an app, and getting more downloads & signups.
•    Targeted marketing: By understanding user behavior better and pushing personalized, relevant notifications around offers, abandoned carts
•    Overtake competition: Users are more likely to stick to one favorite app, which increases market share.
•    Drive publicity: By having social sharing tools for popular portals like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram in the app
•    Drive sales: By making it easy for users to shop from virtually anywhere
•    Cost-savings: By reducing ads & saving on affiliate marketing
•    Get customer mindshare: While on the web portal it’s difficult to get customer mindshare and conversion, but with the mobile app the chances increase significantly
•    Personalised Offerings: Predictive Analytics-driven from user behavior help in sharing direct and personalized offerings
•    Push Notifications: Instead of sending ads through SMS, emails, e-commerce players can send notifications to users to market their offers, new product launches. A mobile app provides a free channel for their advertisements to run on.
•    Brand visibility: With a native app installed on phone, it keeps you directly in front of users. Every time users open their phone, they potentially view app’s icon and there is a high probability they will open the app, creating a stronger bond and trust with your brand.


Gaurish Sharma
CTO, eBizneeds Solutions


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