E-Commerce Ecosystem


Usually, when people think about the E-Commerce ecosystem they immediately think about a website, but in reality, there is a lot more to it.
The big question is about context. What comes before and after the website in your business process?Where does it sit in the digital e-commerce ecosystem?
When considering your project, you need to cover 3 major areas:
Inbound Channels
·         Determine your target market demographics
·         Work out the right mix of traditional media and digital media to reach them
·         Develop a marketing strategy that sends the right message
·         Create a point of difference for your offering
·         Provide incentives to visit your web store
·         Stay top of mind in your niche
And the list goes on…..(and on…. and on….)…..
Web Platform & Features
·         What technology to build in
·         What software platform to use
·         What design do we need – and how to make it simple and user-friendly
·         How many products are we selling
·         What payment options to offer
·         What kind of hosting do I need
·         What custom features will help conversion
·         How to improve the shopping experience
·         How to track and trace user behavior for analysis and future improvements
·         How to stay on top of the latest trends and best practices
·         How to train your staff on your new web system
·         What level of technical support and maintenance will you need
And the list goes on…..(and on…. and on….)…..
Backend Processing and Business Operations
·         What internal or external business systems to we need to integrate with
·         How do we efficiently manage inventory and ordering
·         How do we efficiently manage product dispatch and customer followup
·         What support do we offer customers? Phone, online chat, support tickets?
·         Do you need Point of Sale
·         How to turn a new customer into a repeat customer
And the list goes on…..(and on…. and on….)…..

Well, we’ve come up with a handy overview, of items to consider when planning your eCommerce ecosystem. Make sure you look at all of these areas when planning your eCommerce Project!

By eBizneeds


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